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How I found the Yaoi genre

Takumi Takumi 2020-05-28 00:47:57 About how i encountered yaoi mangas
I used to really love Natsu x Lucy but the dumb little me didn't know that manga reading sites or doujin sites existed (I used to read romance doujin, I didn't have a clue doujins could be so WILD) so I used to read doujins on YouTube. One day I found an Eren x Levi doujin in my recommendations. I hadn't watched AoT back then but I knew the characters as they were popular so I decided to check it out. I was so innocent (I was 11) I didn't even know what was going on but still thought it was fun. So I read yaoi mangas on YouTube until I figured out that "weird thing" they were doing was sex and then I found mangago when someone in the comments section linked it. That person is forever my angel. ヾ(☆▽☆)

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