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As a guy, HONEY STAY AWAY FROM HIM. Guys who are like that are only interested with one thing from you. Your body. Please ditch that guy off, you're not overreacting or anything. That's creepy asf and an actual decent guy wouldn't go do that. I must admit it's sad to say most men are like this.   1 reply
3 days
Yo if ure looking for a loved one then those questions he's asking are fucking weird and U ARENT overreacting. People have boundaries and he should respect you. He's just really horny, red flag tbh. I suggest looking for someone who is also looking for a loving relationship and not just a cum party. Good luckk!!   1 reply
3 days
Definitely NOT overreacting dude seems like a major red flag! Good men are NOT LIKE THIS! Retreat! RETREAT!   2 reply
3 days
If ur uncomfortable with it; then no you didn't over react. It's good that u told the dude you wouldn't answer those questions. Set those boundaries with everyone and eventually you'll find someone who respects them and hopefully who you'll like romanticly. A lot of men on gross like that tho but there's bound to be some good ones out there.   3 reply
3 days
take this with a grain of salt since I'm currently in my first relationship and I'm very unexperienced, but in my opinion, that is not normal and he should not be asking you personal questions like that. to me it's disrespectful that he's asking you sexual questions when you guys just met from a dating app and it seems like he's just trying to hook......   1 reply
3 days
that man is a creep and weirdo...stay the fuck away from him bro   1 reply
3 days
Nah, just a lot of these people in dating apps are usually there for hookups. You’re good but you should find someone else who is genuine. There’s actually good ones but hard to find   1 reply
3 days
no!! you're not overreacting. that's really weird n he's probably a predator on there just to get himself off. that's not normal and im glad you stopped the conversation. if something makes you uncomfy then don't continue, you did well :)   1 reply
3 days
You’re not overreacting at all! He’s a ginormous major red flag   1 reply
3 days
block delete and next one ...:) i remember when i was in buble whenever they got creepy and disgusting i told i would sent them a picture of me ( ̄∇ ̄") and of course they clicked on that (it was dick pic) lol then i told them i hope you liked it and blocked them.   1 reply
3 days


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