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I have only played among us but those brats were TESTING ME till the end   1 reply
12 days
anger issues (● ̄(エ) ̄●) deal with it not as 'gamer rage', but as what it's actually is. a quote for you "The reasons that we experience 'gamer rage' are no different from those for road rage or any other sort of anger management issues. It is often rooted in the perceived feeling of not being good enough or being mistreated, and it is ha......   1 reply
12 days
If by video games you mean zen word then yes, I get hella pissed off, rage tap my screen close the app and then feel dumb for not knowing words   reply
12 days
i dont usually rage in pvps. but rhythm games???? im smashing my phone if i miss one note when im trying to beat a record/full combo   1 reply
12 days
Only in cod, esp mw3. I just can‘t with all the Campers, It’s really bad. I just Curse and when It’s too much I stop playing to cool off lol   reply
14 days
I don't really rage unless I'm playing a plaformer which is something I rarely ever do because I'm bad at them. But I am (sadly) an avid League of legends player. And while I don't really do much raging myself, this game's community is known for being more toxic than chernobile. So having awful experiences is just part for the course. That is unl......   reply
13 days
Yes I sometimes get angry when playing stardew valley   reply
13 days
Long story short, my wifi disconnected so I lost all my progress on the flooring of a couple rooms ( took 30 mins ) I wanted to throw my laptop but just remembering the cost made me calm down   reply
12 days
I literally rage when I disconnect from a RANKED game. It gets me so mad i bite my controller   reply
12 days
for me i rage quite a bit especially when i play valorant I HATE THAT GOD DAMN GAME but i have an addiction so i try to deal it by thinking if i rage and im carrying my team we are gonna lose and my competitiveness can't allow it or just simply not giving a fuck valorant made me rage so much that I'll just won't give a fuck anymore   reply
12 days

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