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You could... Look up YouTube videos for styling wavy hair   2 reply
29 days
Brother I need to see your hair, it's length and a lot of other stuff to say how to style it properly I think this question would be better off on Instagram or said to your nearest local stylist   reply
29 days
is u hair thick?thin? high porosity?low? how wavy is it?has it been dyed? what do u want to achieve? hydration?structure? theres too many factors that come into play when styling hair. u could post again with more description on what your hair is like and what ur trying to achieve so people know what will fit your hair specifically not just wavy ha......   reply
29 days
i just straighten and recurl it bc it looks messy as hell when i do the 'curly girl routine'   reply
29 days
I'd suggest looking for a hair influencer with a similar hair type as you and follow whatever routine and haircut they have.   reply
29 days
My style is using hair clipper and removing everything (cos it grows fast) If I don't cut it often now it would be long a few kilometers for sure   1 reply
29 days
I mean a lot of this just depends on personal taste. But mainly never ever brush or comb your hair when it is dry. Invest in a good curl creme/gel and put it in your hair when it is wet and then style it how you want and let air dry or use a diffuser. Good luck.   reply
29 days
There's no one method fits all. Curly girl method is very popular and it can work miracles. But for some people with fine hair, cgm is too product heavy and will weigh down curls/waves. I suggest starting by learning about your hair; finding out your hair type, texture, porosity, etc. Once you know those things, it'll be easier to filter out tips a......   reply
29 days
Firstly know what type of hair do you have and your facial structure there are many tutorials for this in the internet especially TikTok then do some searches in yt and other video sharing platforms there are many Soo many videos about hairstyling sp helpful you can find many hairstyles that fit your hair condition and your style   reply
29 days


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