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Yes, I keep having to log back in or it’ll take me back to the home page.   3 reply
28 days
Yup, got on and it said 58 notifications.   5 reply
28 days
mines acting up as well :((   3 reply
28 days
Log me out. I'll log back in. Homepage is inactive. Takes forever submitting   1 reply
28 days
This isn't funny I started crying cuz my friend Som (Aka sorry, I only eat ass) told me I finnaly got banned. Anyways now my mgg features aren't working like notifications but at least I'm not banned! :D   1 reply
28 days
I cant post anymore since it says my posts need to get approved so now i cant spread misinformation anymore SMH. Anyways yall go read my story. Feedback and advice is very much appreciated.   reply
28 days
i got logged out too n got an error saying pw is incorrect a few times   2 reply
28 days
omg yesss I thought the site was down again   reply
28 days
Yall this a sign We been enjoyin life too much lately ig   reply
28 days
Sis! My everyday oxygen, we're gonna lose it. (ಥ﹏ಥ) I better look for something else to waste my time on (perhaps something more wholesome xd).   reply
28 days


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