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I know it’s sucks but... patience.

Henny Henny 2020-04-23 21:30:19 About want a boyfriend
The funny thing about life is that it works in mysterious ways. Sometimes life just starts doing shit when you don’t want it to and when you do it doesn’t. The thing about love is you can’t actively go and seek for it. True love, yes it exists, happens when you least expect it. Although we might feel some bursts of loneliness we must cherish ourselves and find our worth before we can love anyone else.

However on the flip side, if you end up finding someone you are interested in, by all means go for it! Life is too short to not take risk, but there’s also a whole life ahead of you so there’s no need to rush. I don’t really believe in god, but I believe in energy and the way of the world as well as fate. If it’s meant to be, then it’s meant to be.

16 is far too young to think that you’ll be forever alone and 25 is too young as well. Live in the moment. Enjoy your time as a youth (yes being 25 is a youth lol, I swear! Talk to me when you’re 30...), enjoy your time with your friends and family, and if you like being alone, ENJOY your time alone. Learn to love yourself, because if you can’t, who will? You know? Because once you get into a relationship, it’s no longer just about you. You must think of this other person in your life now. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, there’s no rush. Doing you and finding yourself is the best feeling and thing you could do for... yourself!

If you need any big sister advice message me (all genders and ages welcomed) :)

want a boyfriend

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