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overused dynamics

ren ☆ ren ☆ 2024-01-06 07:25:56 About question
Idk I feel like every fucking webtoon/manhwa I read is just literally a ripoff or copy of another these writers or whatever must have the same brain because there's no actual way that everyone thinks of writing about a character 'Being stuck in a video game, or looking weak but actually is strong' dynamic. Like it's always about a player or magic. Its like I'm reading the same manga over and over again. Especially shoujo's..."The male lead-" or "The villainess-" It's veryyy generic and overused. It might just be me but I think it's a reoccurring problem. You feel me?


MaRgg1 January 6, 2024 9:31 pm

Answer is simple- this generic plots sell good, that's it. People don't really show interest in one of the kind, original, deep plots anymore, sadly. So for content cretors it is easier to walk the safe path, that's it


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