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y do people choose to be mean?

pyong pyong 2023-12-21 17:43:15 About chat about anything
i’ve been on the internet for too long and i feel like the internet has become more and more insufferable which lead me to question, why do some people choose to be mean?

i’ve seen ppl just say things just to say things and i wonder if they realize that they can actually do harm with what they say. (not only to the other person but to themselves as well ) i feel like sometimes people say things that r unnecessary. like would it actually kill u to say something nice once in a while?

i have been confused abt this for while and i can’t wrap my head around it, my only conclusion was that it gives ppl a sense of superiority but thats abt it.

what joy do u get being a hater 24/7, have some fun, for the sake of ur own health and for others


Sunbeam Baebe☀ December 21, 2023 7:26 pm

these people don't got good lives and can't even function without cursing or insulting you during random convos, this site is full of broken people(gets triggered on stuff not that serious, and I mean not for serious stuff which people want to call you snowflakes for), and so is a lot of the net, these people are the real losers of society and the only thing that validates them is that there are others like them and that they're behind a screen, cuz lets be real not everyone is the same wavelength and do disagree from time to time, but if you think kys or other threats, slurs and insults of that nature are for everyday use(even less serious ones, like where do the random fuck yous even come from?), then idk wtf to tell you, and you could say I don't know everyones situation, but personally, idk that doesn't sound like the happiest person to me imo [and I say this because I've had instances with peers growing up that were friendly one day and literally curing me to me face the next, being my BFFs then telling my like one or twos years later that there's shit tons of rumours and lies about me and they're in a chat where the whole grade shit talks me, like I'm not even joking it's the type of shit out of a book]

pyong December 21, 2023 7:58 pm

ya, i am guilty of saying kys and im trying not to say it a lot lol but ur right, a lot of these ppl tend to be very unhappy and its understandable y some act the way they do but i feel like some just do not want 2 get help for themselves, its sad

sushi December 21, 2023 7:22 pm

I think there's also a selective bias. Afaik, the more socially healthy people around me really tend to be less on social media. As for myself (not that I'm particularly non hateful) I find it easier to not post things rather than attempting to insert myself within what looks like a hateful comment area. So maybe people are also less inclined to post nice things? Idk.

pyong December 21, 2023 7:55 pm

that could be true, negativity tends to have a greater response than something positive

shart December 21, 2023 6:48 pm

[misery loves company]
also it’s the anonymity of being able to insult people without repercussions that appears to haters.

there’s also the fact that in this generation of social media, people will always start hating on something or someone at one point simply because it’s been deemed ‘cool’ in a way.

if u express a like for something, some loser is gonna clown u for it and people are gonna be on their side bc u expressed positive emotion and they acted like a wall
(people love being cold and mysterious, but once u see thru it, they look dumb)

it’s like how people made hating kids something funny and common, and if u like kids ur the odd one out

pyong December 21, 2023 7:59 pm

u hit it right on the nail Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)!!