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Sometimes. Usually if it's something that I'm involved in or just interests me enough to bother   reply
09 10,2023
I do especially if i really love the thing and theyre trash talking and degrading it nuhh uhh bitch   1 reply
09 10,2023
nah cause my dumbass believed it most of the time until I read the replies.   reply
09 10,2023
unless its obvious bullshit im fact checking it, but its always bullshit lol   1 reply
09 10,2023
I just scrolled down the comments to see if its legit or not and any youtube vids   reply
09 10,2023
I don't think an internet search and reading a dozen papers counts as factchecking honestly. Like, actual research imo is supposed to be actual research and factchecking is just short-term without any depth to it. Sometimes people aren't even just factchecking. They're not actually 'factchecking' anything, they're just finding things that agree w......   1 reply
09 10,2023
Every Reddit argument tbh idk why but those ppl would go far points to prove a point, lying per say.   reply
09 10,2023
No because my opinion is the only thing that matters   reply
12 02,2024
i never usually fact check someone's bs (cos ik they're just complete bs) unless i want them to feel dumb, its just too rewarding to see the look on their faces lol   reply
09 10,2023
I fact-check literally everything people say to me that i’m unsure about, and sometimes even things I do generally agree with to make sure I have all of the correct information. It’s really important to do, I recommend researching as a pastime to just about everyone.   reply
12 02,2024

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