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10 07,2021
I... I thought I was smarter than this... why did I read it... it's forever carved in my brain... I feel sick... why would anyone ever think, write, edit, translate or publish this...   reply
10 07,2021
i opened it and saw a man rubbing his horse dick. never again   reply
09 07,2021
im sorry, im still caught up on u saying book   reply
10 07,2021
I remember reading this years ago. I’ve read a lot of messed up things but this manga...I remember it being very f-ed up. Truly read at your own risk people because you likely will be scarred for life.   reply
10 07,2021
I wouldn't recommend this if you have trypophobia. *Sigh* I wish I can unsee that last panel   3 reply
09 07,2021
Bro..first mob for this?!?!!   reply
09 07,2021
theres also this one its bad like bad   reply
09 07,2021
10 07,2021
I read this, and I just wanna throw up... that was disgusting... no wonder why people wanted this banned from this site   reply
10 07,2021
Damn that’s pretty fucked up but some how I’m not really disturbed by it …   reply
10 07,2021
Id still count that as a happy ending ngl   reply
10 07,2021


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