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Ya all got acne? [Answer]
02 07,2021
my face is literally a pepperoni pizza lmfao   reply
02 07,2021
Ya all got acne? [Answer]
02 07,2021
egg whites helps tighten skin n reduce pores so i use that. and strawberries help reduce blemishes so thats nice too.   reply
02 07,2021
Ya all got acne? [Answer]
GoldenScale 02 07,2021
Not sure if it's gonna work on your skin, but I use spectrogel as facewash and for specific pimple treatment, I use Clindoxyl. Then I use a good hydrating cream. Since I'm female, I also started taking the birth control pill to get rid of my light acne. Sometimes it works. Hope you find something that works.   reply
02 07,2021


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