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idk, i don’t have time to think about other people’s problems   4 reply
15 06,2021
I never really fucked with her music like that and I didn’t really pay attention to her until this situation.. so I’m just now realizing that she’s a real shitty person. She used wlw as queerbait in her latest music video after repeatedly claiming she’s straight and she’s going out with a man like that. It’s so weird. Not to mention, wh......   2 reply
15 06,2021
Yeah it's quite embarrassing how they both kinda handled it, there are literal screenshots showing the dude saying the nword and the fword and he didn't even apologize for that shit, at least i never saw an apology. That being said Billie getting cancelled for queer baiting is stupid imop we don't know her personally or her sexuality and the video ......   4 reply
15 06,2021
Idk I don't like her anymore now she even called her fans embarrassing   2 reply
15 06,2021
What a great way to ruin your status as a celebrity.   1 reply
15 06,2021
se had it coming ig. dating a homphobic and racist bastard is messed up in itself. But queer baiting??? coming out as a bi but having a homophobic man as ur bf, who will believe that bs.   reply
15 06,2021
so embarrassing, i've been listening to her for years thankful she wasn't problematic, but this is so disgusting and literally goes against everything she supposedly stood for.   reply
15 06,2021
Can someone elaborate- what happened?   2 reply
15 06,2021
At this point, I am convinced she was groomed bruh bc sis rlly jumped from a 6-year gap to a 10-year gap. This is very concerning regardless of the fact that ppl are saying that she is a whole ass adult now so she should know better. Then again this could either a publicity stunt for attention or she really was groomed bc smth is super fishy bout t......   1 reply
15 06,2021
idk what's this ruckus all about and I don't intend to know what in the flying ant ass is happening   1 reply
15 06,2021


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