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I don’t know I am not American I’ve never met an American personally either   1 reply
12 06,2021
I don’t know, maybe it’s more culturally acceptable to be loud and outspoken about opinions.The u.s. has a lot of cultural backgrounds so I don’t know what types of people you’re talking about so. Me and my family and friend group are chatty but not that loud. My neighbors had a party or gathering and I could hear their talking and laughing......   reply
12 06,2021
Maybe because they are raised to be outgoing and sociable to get more success and freedom in life or maybe it s done to annoy neighbors i m not sure   reply
12 06,2021
because American culture is very centralized on the individual. “Survival of the fittest,” “every man for himself,” etc and that requires you to be the biggest and best person in the room. Dominating a conversation is vital to being heard or even considered and that forces people to develop habits that put them at any kind of advantage. Too......   reply
12 06,2021
OK, so I don’t think being loud has anything to do with what country you were born in or even the culture…it depends on the environment you were raised in and occasionally genetics. Some people just have voices that carry farther than others and they can’t really help that. I assure you, there will loud people anywhere you go.   reply
13 06,2021
Idk man maybe the American Dream, ex number one country in the world boasting (historically) is part of it. Then A lot of Americans just learned to be loud and say whatever they want (also cuz the thing, founding father paper) and even though a lot of Americans now realize that they’re country isn’t the best, well ig old habits die hard. Also m......   reply
12 06,2021
americans aren't loud, other people are quiet.   reply
12 06,2021
Idk, I'm not an American so, I can't answer this but, I do have an American neighbor and they're quite loud. But I'm okay with it cause, its not bothering me.   reply
12 06,2021
Was gonna answer then remembered I am not American   reply
12 06,2021
Idk what you mean by Americans culturally being loud? At least in the part of the US I grew up in, it's definitely not socially acceptable to be loud in most public settings. Like if you're at a concert, football/baseball game, etc. then sure being noisy's expected, but talking super loudly at a store or even a park is gonna get you glared at. Co......   reply
13 06,2021


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