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I made some of my favorite durarara characters to the best of my ability

[DELETED] [DELETED] 2021-06-12 05:49:47 About question
8 let’s count down
Number 8: Shijima. Y’all probably don’t remember him he ran Heaven Slave he was so cool he cut music notes into his arm with a dart so hot too I want that hoodie

Number 7: Akabayashi. He’s part of the Awakusu and he’s soooo nice I love him he’s kinda sexy too if you think about it

they didn’t have the right red for his hair lol
Number 6: Erika. I fucking love her and her and walkers friendship literally is goals they like “choose which manga you wanna be tortured from” “uhhh Cinderella?” “Walker let’s cut off their heels and toes” lmao I love them Erika is so badass tho even on her own without the human she shares one brain cell with. Like literally she could probably win in a fight against Izaya even though Shizuo hasn’t. Erika fucking scaryyyy

Number 5: Walker. This arson can burn my house down idgaf I love him so much he’s sooooo cool “don’t try this at home kiddies” he can eat me idc

they didn’t have his iconic blue hoodie so I had to go with this
Number 4: Izaya. THIS HOT PSYCHOPATH CAN PLEASEEEE STEP ON ME I WOULD LITERALLY LET THIS MANS CONVINCE ME TO COMMIT SUICIDE WITH HIM AND THEN WHEN WE ARE AT THE MEETUP SPOT ID MAKE OUT WITH HIM ID BE LIKE “girl I know it was you not fooling anybody with your “Nakura” anymore I’m here to kiss you now make me into a poker card and chess piece on your checkers/chess/shogi board and please play with me, sky daddy

Number 3: Shinra. This is actually my anime husband he is so amazing I love him so much and I swear to god he and celty have the healthiest adult relationship I’ve ever seen in anime omg they are so cute too jdffjfkfkfjdnfjgkjrnr that’s why they are my pfp

Number 2: Shizuo. I absolutely love him and Izayas relationship they clearly are meant for each other and even the author ships them and think they should be together BUT ARE THEY NOOOO whyyyyyy and Shizuo x vorona shippers fuck you I may love shizuo more but I respect Izaya more than any real human ever also he has depression so if you’re team Shizuo you’re lowering his self esteem. And I love vorona until she tried to kill my sky daddy soooo fuck her she’s pretty but idc

And number 1: Celtyyyy I failed at this one they didn’t have a good helmet for her my poor baby with niceass curves

I tried

Anyway yea I got bored sooo yea


A_very_bored_Humanoid June 12, 2021 5:54 am

Noice they look super good (⌒▽⌒)