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Yes, and well

DEANFLUENZA DEANFLUENZA 2019-06-30 21:13:51 About owning being a fujoushi
So... i bought my two firsts yaois with my crush at a convention, while my mother forbad me to buy 'em because guys won't be interested in a girl who likes gays, we passed in front of the stand and i was like : do i buy them or not ?? And when i thought that i would buy some another day, he told me that i should buy them if i wanted to and all (we never went out together cuz we were both too shy and socially awkward)
Also i was at a bookstore with family and i saw one yaoi (Mother's spirit by enzou YOU HAVE to read it) my mother told me that se won't buy it and all, so i sent a message to my dad and,, yea he bought it nicely
Also my childhood friend and i sometimes bicker about the fact that yaoi is better than yuri and he tolds me that yaoi is weird and that yuri is arousing, so yea yea, i'm shameless about being a fujoshi


Flawed July 1, 2019 6:55 am

Wow . your parents are like super cool about you buying yaoi. I might get killed if i buy one :')