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25 05,2021
When they make racist jokes and then proceed call it ''dark humor''. Nah, man. That's not dark humor, you're just a douchebag.   1 reply
25 05,2021
when they keep embarrassing you as a 'joke' in front of other people even though you have expressed your discomfort, HUGE red flag   1 reply
25 05,2021
25 05,2021
I am the red flag.   reply
25 05,2021
Lumi 25 05,2021
People who don't like cats is automatically top 1 for red flags I'm not talking about the people who have a preference for dogs over cats I'm talking about people who hate cats that's just a huge red flag Oh and hear me out on this one.. men not all men ofc but a LOT of them idk I just feel like most have some really fucked up views on multiple d......   reply
25 05,2021
25 05,2021
If they don't let me look at their cell phone... I'm not really a jealous person but that would annoy the shit out of me.......   4 reply
25 05,2021
dismissive people. people who hear someone say "i have so and so issues" and just respond with "oh im sure it's not THAT bad. i went through something way worser/i went through the same thing and i am doing well" people who potray a complete lack of empathy are the least attractive people.   reply
08 10,2023
Yonnie 25 05,2021
when your with your friends by a group of boys and they start pointing out your flaws and shit making them seem like they are superior to you. when someone always says "no homo" all the time or "I'm not gay" or "i don't fuck with that gay shit" it makes me really mad. "I'm a radical feminist" shut the fuc- i mean please don't talk. *sees gay cou......   1 reply
25 05,2021
25 05,2021
I really hate it when a person is telling me to do things and they would like teach me the way how they do it. Like ughh~~ I don't need u to teach me how to clean, arrange things and many more I can pretty much do it without ur friggin' help and one more thing I hate it when someone overthink about me specially my mom when she tell me to do som......   reply
25 05,2021
melon 25 05,2021
I got a lot ( ̄∇ ̄") • Disrespect; they don't respect you physically, mentally, emotionally, or just in any way • Double standards   reply
25 05,2021


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