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Can i die now?

まゆら まゆら 2021-05-15 14:27:33 About something that makes you happy
I thought I have already overcome my anxiety ass but looks like i was deathly mistaken. I just let both myself and my brother down. This one store was about to closed but there are still people in it and he asked me to go first while he’s searching for a parking lot. I said i can’t and let the both us go together but he insisted me to go first so we ended up going back home.

The thing is it makes me felt like a crap, a disappointment. I’m already stressed enough in this house with all the covid, making me unable to go outside. What a joke, my life is. I couldn’t either be confident nor buying the food i was craving for a month.

Atlease let me have my foods, i dont care about myself, just what am i going to do now, goddamit.


MidariIkishimaIsBae May 15, 2021 2:29 pm

What about ordering online?


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