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NeetyNayd v 2.0 13 04,2021
Just a ranter passing by... Using innocent animals is just!! Hard pill for me to swallow.. Been a biology major and it is hard at times.. And also even killing livestock animals is hard pill to swallow.. But, that is life.. We are NOT rich to buy plant-based foods all the time (not living in North America) so had to kill farm-raised chickens to......   reply
13 04,2021
13 04,2021
lmao a worm? children literally carry that everyday to rip it to shreds. but I don’t really have a problem whether you guys dissect frogs or not. anyways this post reminded me of that one time in sixth grade I dissected a chicken. we had to kill it ourselves by beheading it.   reply
13 04,2021
mya 13 04,2021
I had to dissect a sheeps brain—   reply
13 04,2021
13 04,2021
I 100% agree with many of the other replies here on that this idiotic global practice was never a good idea to begin with. Personally, I ended up dropping biology as my elective back in the day despite biology being my passionate interest and one of my favorite subjects, simply because I found out that I would have to be dissecting dead animals if ......   reply
13 04,2021
13 04,2021
we have to dissect fetal pigs, frogs, + worms- i could go into more detail but you probs dont want that   2 reply
13 04,2021
13 04,2021
When it came time for us to dissect frogs in school my mother wouldn't allow me. I hadn't really thought about it much but my mom is an animal lover. She sent a letter of complaint and I was removed from the class then sent to the library. I was sat at a computer, told there was a program on the computer where you dissected a frog and that would......   1 reply
13 04,2021
blehhhh 13 04,2021
how will y'all see the worms guts?? I'm p sure most of y'all hate frogs irl just not in pictures, the little gooey mfs carry a fuck ton of bacteria too   reply
13 04,2021
13 04,2021
i had fun dissecting a frog lol. it was also pregnant   reply
13 04,2021
13 04,2021
yall need to chill. simply put, if the species of frog their dissecting is endangered or the numbers are dwindling (or they're being killed inhumanely, which seems unlikely) then don't dissect them. if it's just a frog that you can find thousands of in like every state, then there's not much harm. besides, why not dissect a sheep's brain? (and to......   reply
13 04,2021


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