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yucky woman-hater trope

grace juice grace juice 2021-02-28 04:59:50 About read manga
why is it a cute little trope for so many male characters in manga to just straight up hate women? they'll be like "ugh~~~ the ladies just can't get their hands off me. frankly, all women are gold digging, manipulative sluts. get your hands off me, whore" and no one questions it??? it's not quirky or cute to literally despise women, but these manga/manhua realllllly love to push it


KARA February 28, 2021 6:04 am

Yeah, sometimes in BL the women are portrayed in an evil way, but it's fiction and I don't quite see the problem. It happens a lot also in shiujo or josei, where other women who "are in between" of the main couple are villainazed.

grace juice February 28, 2021 6:01 am

like this example:

WHAT??? "his total hatred for women is weird, but he's alright <3" girl i don't think that's quite correct...


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