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Take a shit   reply
31 12,2020
Uhh I might’ve accidentally tripped a child...   reply
31 12,2020
Nothing really. I prefer talking shit inside my head than doing something shitty.   reply
31 12,2020
when i was 6 my mom was being rushed to the hospital because we thought she was having a heart attack and i had the absolute gall to say to her while she was absolutely wracked with fear: “don’t worry mommy, if you die, me and daddy will be okay”.   1 reply
31 12,2020
I pressured my friend into cheating on the test, there was a guide that had the exact same questions on the test we were doing. And I pressured him to cheat on it with me, he got caught and failed, while I got the highest grade, I forgot what grade I was, but man, I'm a bitch-   1 reply
31 12,2020
Called my brother a fat pig and then tripping him   2 reply
31 12,2020
I said something to my friend about this girl that was sitting at our table and she heard. Fucking mortifying   reply
31 12,2020
This dude was messing with me in the middle of the cafeteria and he started pushing me and calling me a c*nt so I sucker punched him AND HE FUCKING FELL AND COULD NOT GET UP. WTF I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW I HAD THAT MUCH STRENGTH IN ME   reply
31 12,2020
when i was 6 i killed my brother's pet fish cos he dropped mine by accident. i was so petty n evil that it still haunts me to this day   reply
02 01,2021
I stabbed a girl in the hand with a pencil because she kept tapping her foot.. and I'll do it again bop bop   reply
31 12,2020