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This is the edgiest thing I've seen on this site so far ngl but I agree. Let 'em die.   reply
08 12,2020
Ahh I see a fellow anti-human believer, but fr, we not cut out to be the top of the food chain, theoretically jellyfish will be the last living creatures on this planet so all hail jellyfish.   reply
08 12,2020
edgy as fuk, but sure, death to humanity here here and all that.   reply
08 12,2020
I completely agree let’s become elves! That way everyone can do whatever the fuck they want have magic and be drop dead gorgeous   3 reply
08 12,2020
I’m so ready for AI to take over   1 reply
08 12,2020
y’all I’m not tryna be edgy I’m dead serious   2 reply
08 12,2020
Everyone is guilty of something shitty. I agree.   reply
08 12,2020
Lol are we supposed to agree to this angry paragraph with a conspiracy theory vibe? Idk if you're in your teenage years but it's so easy to blame everyone, to be skeptical about everything... They are many people out there fighting to make the world a better place. And it takes time. You can't dismiss their efforts like that. Mankind is not gonna d......   3 reply
08 12,2020
idk about the whole government thing but yeah fuck human beings we need to go extinct already.   reply
08 12,2020