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a psa about the hymen

1738 ay 1738 ay 2020-12-06 10:42:53 About have sex
funky title, right? it'll be short.

it's pretty established in media portrayals that girls have a "sealed" hymen that is "broken" during first intercourse. it's associated with virginity. many folks are scared their first time will hurt a ton or they'll bleed.

however! untrue! by the time sexual intercourse is initiated, your hymen is already worn down enough to allow for penetration. think about it logically. if it was "sealed", how the hell would menstruation occur? the blood needs a gateway. yes, the first time will probably hurt and yes, you may even bleed due to SCRATCHING or STRETCHING of the hymen, but this isn't it being "popped" or "broken", and furthermore, it's highly unlikely.

tl;dr the hymen doesn't break, nor is it sealed. it wears down overtime and it's already "broken" by the time you have your period.

hopefully this cleared a little something up for people who didn't know! or alleviated some anxiety!

p.s. im a dude. im a gay dude. sorry if that makes it weird. this is info i picked up from a gal friend who worked in medicine.


cheezrox December 6, 2020 12:04 pm

Also side note, I am a woman, and most of the time bleeding occurs during the the first penetrative sex because of not enough foreplay, lube, nervousness making the vagina tighter. In reference to cis het penetrative sex it’s mostly because cis het men are selfish and don’t care about foreplay. Don’t fuck a man who won’t eat your pussy out for an hour straight. Also if a man fingers you too roughly just leave him because he’s most likely shit at sex/only cares about getting his.

have sex

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