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Need Advice

Skye Skye 2020-10-12 08:37:17 About coming out
I hope somebody sees this because I definitely need some advice. This is my first time posting anything here so here goes. I just came out to my mom about me being pansexual and the conversation that followed made me feel like I was brought down. She basically said that I haven't experienced enough to make that decision. It just made me feel like she was dismissing my feelings and making it sound like I was just going through a phase. I don't want to say she's wrong because she's not entirely wrong. But I just wish she could have phrased it differently or said it in a different tone. I don't know what to feel like anymore. It wasn't easy either. I've been trying to figure this out since middle school and I don't particularly like labels but being pansexual is the closest I've come up with. I feel really empty right now.


Bakugou’spoopymilktiddies October 12, 2020 8:53 am

This is just my opinion, but I highly suggest talking to a close friend, another family member you trust, or MOST IMPORTANTLY, a therapist. Talking about this on a social media platform isn’t such a good idea, however, I am able to give some advice. I want you to talk with your mother again a few days later, make her slowly accept the fact that you are part of the LGBT community. And ALSO, please please please be honest to her about how she hurt your feelings, about what she said made you feel empty. Don’t just throw it away as something useless and go on with your life. Because trust me, that will make you regret it immensely. I’m sure your mother will understand as long as she loves you, and if she doesn’t understand, just try to make her slowly get used to you. Remind her every now and then, for example, her saying “I can’t wait to meet your husband/wife in the future.” reply with “how do you know it’s going to be a husband/wife?”. Only do this if she isn’t that angry if you being in the LGBT community. Another thing to help out with the emptiness you feel is to chat with friends, do some games, take naps, exercise, anything that’s a hobby or may seem fun to you. Stay away from social media platforms unless you want to read something online, but keep it to 4 hours a day maximum. Try to distract yourself from the pain, but don’t forget to come back to it once ready. And remember that things may go south, so prepare for that. Take your time though, as long as your mother understands and doesn’t forget about you being pansexual, it’ll most likely be absolutely alright. You being you isn’t a crime, you aren’t doing something HORRID just for loving someone. Love whoever you want, be whoever you want to be, because if you don’t, you’ll regret it greatly in the future. Just be you. Again, make sure to take advice from a professional or close friends as this may not help, but feel free to take it into account !

Skye October 12, 2020 6:29 pm

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. I think I can move forward from here on out.

Spoopy Telletubbies October 12, 2020 8:43 am

Well if I can help pansexuals means you don't care about the gender just the personality bisexual means you like 2 or more genders and your mom is wrong it doesn't require experience just like it doesn't require experience to be straight either you are your own person you make the decision not her don't let her control you

Skye October 12, 2020 6:27 pm

Thank you very much
Hopefully I get to speak to her more about this one day

coming out

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