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anon anon 2020-10-05 01:28:23 About have eating disorders
so basically i'm stuck in a binge/purge cycle and it's so mentally and physically draining. every time i eat it turns into a full blown binge and then i feel like shit so i purge. this happens at least twice a day and it's scary because i know how dangerous b/p'ing can be. i know my stomach could rip open and esophagus could tear and my teeth could rot but i can't stop. the worst thing about this is how much weight i lose doing this. seeing the number on the scale go down just enables me to keep going even though i know the consequences. i have no idea how to break this cycle. i feel so out of control... does anyone who also struggles with an ed know how to get out of a binge/purge cycle? please help


Kateastrophe October 5, 2020 1:43 am

having multiple small meals a day so you don't get triggered by being full helps. also after eating try to do something to distract yourself from the digestion process so you don't feel the need to throw up. I used to sit in the bath tub and fill it with water as I sat in it and just watch the water raise as a meditative process. Try not to eat alone, don't count calories, don't watch TV while eating or anything else that will distract you (make sure you're present while eating), and THROW OUT YOUR SCALE. That number is not your friend. There is no number you will ever be pleased with so looking at the numbers will only bring you pain and suffering. You need to get professional help though. I ended up having to do inpatient rehab and I have permanent damage to my GI tract, heart and kidneys. Please get help. It's a long process but you can get better. I am 6 years post ED and the world is just so much better now. I'm not sure how old you are, but I'd recommend getting help quick if you're still on your parent's health insurance as you have better options for treatment with good health insurance. You age out of parental coverage at 26 so don't wait too long. Wishing you the best. I know how miserable it is.

Waffle October 5, 2020 1:33 am

Hi love, do you see a therapist or know someone irl who knows about this who could help you? This is hard but I personally stopped looking at the scale and tried my hardest to change my relationship with food. Maybe I can’t help too much but I can listen to what’s bothering you and offer support. I hope you’ll be okay! ❣

spoopy guila October 5, 2020 1:32 am

I honestly know nothing about this, but I just want to let you know that at least one person out there (me) believes in you and thinks you’re beautiful! You can get through this!! Feel free to message me any time

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