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Rebel bully

Azu Azu 2020-09-16 17:12:29 About share your bullying story
Hi I'm a bully now!

I used to be singled out by teachers a lot because they were foreigner teachers and they knew what connections my name carried with it. That triggered them so much. Apparently it made them feel better or superior to single out and make example of a kid with big well known family connections (kept happening in middle school->highschool->until university). I was pretty much confused most of the time and then hurt because even I didn't know what my name was capable of at that time but then I learned and now I'm the one bullying them. They can say they don't care who you are, but once you challenge them, put them in a spot where they're at risk of losing their job and getting deported, their tough act drops.

I still get so angry remembering how they used to get away with bullying me when I was a clueless kid. I want to go back in time just to destroy them. WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS ANGERRRRR!?

I now actually work for the ministry of education in human resources department as an administrative coordinator. We often get teachers and sometimes even school principles who need help with some processes. They have to run around so many departments to get things done, the processes are long for even the simplest things. I'm just waiting until I catch one of my old teachers. COME!!

Azu's other experiences