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I was bullied because of my mental illness

riot ! riot ! 2020-09-16 16:48:35 About share your bullying story
(TW mention of selfh*rm and su*c*de) The first time I started getting bullied was around 1st grade, I would be told to get off the swings pushed to the back of the water line, and got called “four eyes” and a nerd for having all A’s and wearing glasses. That was only the beginning sadly. skip a few grades, and my dad passed away. I cried a lot at school, because I couldn’t cry at home for other reasons. my father was the only person I felt safe around and when he died, it felt like my home had been destroyed or taken. Anyway, I got bullied for crying. back at home I also got called a crybaby and was yelled at for being too sensitive. Disregarding all that, I still managed to get good grades and I wanted to keep that because it was the only thing my mom cared about when I got rewards(trophies), but then she stopped showing up to the award ceremony’s and I felt I guess sad, (This is still around 5th grade) I started finding ways to cope with the pain, and turned to harming myself. I remember one day I was in the restroom and a girl say my arms and said “please don’t do that” but I still did. Even though I promised I wouldn’t. Skip to middle school, I wasn’t badly bullied but was mocked and lots of people made fun of me, and I would hear their whispers. and then one day I got so sad I attempted to take my life, ended up in a mental hospital. when I returned to school i got many stares, and then I heard someone call me a physco and it hurt. I turned back to harming myself and still tried build up the courage to take my own life. then I ended up in the hospital again, for a second time. (Around 7th or 8th) skip some time to now,(high school heh) I still get mocked, but it doesn’t bother me. I know they do it for fun. I’m living my life, still a bit stressed, but doing better. I hope whoever reads this knows that they are loved.
here’s a small message:

dear stranger,
weird how you’re finding this here right?
I want you to know I’m proud of you, okay?
you are so very strong!!!
keep fighting, love.
I know you can make it.
Take care.

riot !'s other experiences