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19 10,2023
My parents are ghouls.   2 reply
19 10,2023
I rarely ever reas yaoi, its mostly just seggsual assault and Overall just Red flags everywhere. I like shounen ai/shoujo ai because its usually more wholesome and I dont really like when it includes smut. I would read more straight romances but theres rarely anything that actually engages me. I like fantasy but I have never read a Single manga whe......   1 reply
19 10,2023
i read everything except horror, that thing is just smth i cant handle, but junji itto is so good   1 reply
19 10,2023
I look like I only read yaoi, but its just cause Yaoi is the only thing I use this site for lol. I read copious, abhorrent, unholy amounts of shōnen mangaヾ(☆▽☆)   reply
19 10,2023
I read yaoi but I'm much more into action, fantasy, seinen, shounen and revenge stories compared to yaoi or yuri or romance in general But I love myself some villainesses ngl   reply
19 10,2023
I still read yaoi/bl, but not as frequently as I once did since I'm on the goal to read less of it, and so far, it's working. I try to read shoujou to balance out my reading of detective/seinen psychological manga because I'm afraid I might become addicted to them. My top 4 (in no partricular order) :   reply
19 10,2023
Yeah I almost read everything yaoi, shoujo, action, adventure, josei, fantasy, romance, isekai and sometime yuri. I mostly like yaoi, isekai stories and historical romance but other genre are good too (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
19 10,2023
I like revenge games.   reply
19 10,2023
Yeah i do read shoujo and soft stuff, and also those action fantasy one when i'm really interest   reply
19 10,2023
It's gotta be JINX bro, plot is so mid tho the artstyle is great but the story is complete ass   reply
11 08,2023

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