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Being born   reply
05 08,2020
Once me and my classmates were doing a presentation on something and I didn't know what to say so I started to say random things. I said "so things will happen and then things things will happennnnn (I stretched out the word for some reason) Everyone started laughing and my classmates were pissed cause I ruined the presentation. I regret going to s......   reply
05 08,2020
A boy in my class approach me to ask some questions and it was fine at first until he open up a small conversation and I blew it off by spewing nonsense, I was nervous, I have trouble talking to boys, heck I have trouble talking to anyone. He didnt talk to me after that. I was hoping we could be friends since it was my first day being a college stu......   1 reply
05 08,2020
I'm only here for the memes   1 reply
05 08,2020
Bitch change my mind   22 reply
05 08,2020
opened my dad's phone. that was the moment i lost my innocence.   1 reply
05 08,2020
I lied to my friends in middle school one of them didn't forgive and I don't talk with them anymore. But honestly, I don't feel bad anymore, I didn't really feel a connection with them as I feel now with my only and first BFFs in high school But they were good people and they didn't deserve to be lied at, my Mom told that this was a lesson to me sh......   reply
05 08,2020
Long story short, but when I was 15 and first got back into manga, I would watch Pure Romance and Monster Musume on my phone. One time, I snuck my phone because my dad took it and went to my room to watch a 18+ uncensored Hentai video because I was curious.. Let's just say, I was near the part where the five folks were... You know.. All so suddenly......   3 reply
05 08,2020
even tho we had this question like 2837627 times here is my answer SORRY NOT SORRY. (tbh ALMOST all mangas and manhwas that are at the "popular site" don't come @ me )   2 reply
05 08,2020
a friend (not that close) waving and me waving back even tho she didn't meant me i felt awkward af and i wanted to die and i still cringe to this day just thinking about it and i still wanna die   reply
05 08,2020

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