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blehhhh 19 10,2023
i'd say my mom is rlly shitty for many reasons but my dad is kinda tamer?? Nicer?? Idk bru he's so busy with work that we dont even talk until it's abt smth school related, he's jus rlly emotionally unavailable but way better than my mom   2 reply
19 10,2023
[DELETED] 19 10,2023
Personal rant/vent. Lol. Because my family sucks. Our bodies mother is bad with money, along with our grandmother. Our mother did her best, the amount of times I begged her to stay and not be with our father, the fact she still loves a pedo terrdying to me. She used to sleep with a LIT CIGGERATE IN HER HAND. She was redused money SO SHE'LL STAY ......   1 reply
19 10,2023
I have a big d
19 10,2023
I have loving understanding parents that I'm so grateful for. Everyone's always like omg u get to go out like that? U get to stay out late? U don't get BEAT??? like ummm... Maybe it's bc we're Asian but still   9 reply
19 10,2023
They do love me, n they tried to do their best as I was their first kid.... But y'know a lot of shit happened, dis n dat... n I'm mentally scared. I wouldn't say they're the best, but they do love me. They at least love me, put a roof over my head n fed me.   1 reply
19 10,2023
Mine gave me the carrot and stick treatment and never really understood my interests However I've gaslit myself into thinking that they're genuinely good parents and aren't half shitty   reply
19 10,2023
19 10,2023
They were ok. But like, in a love and moral typa was, pretty shitty. But in a character dev typa way? Godlike. Dude they literally forced me into becoming the best ver of myself.   1 reply
19 10,2023
19 10,2023
Did nobody have a happy childhood like damn.   2 reply
19 10,2023
Good parents Im pretty glad of the parents that raised me, although there is a buncha issues here and there like different opinions, they still raised us well. My dad in particular rlly likes me he is the greenest flag of all. Whenever we get in arguments, an hour later he will be the one to come to me and apologize, even if the fault was mine. And......   2 reply
19 10,2023
Very shitty parents lmao but it's fine cause i'm a shitty child as well......atleast according to them   2 reply
19 10,2023
erika 19 10,2023
Lets say if they became famous they would be IMMEDIATELY canceled.   1 reply
19 10,2023

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