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Shaving my face and accidentally shaving off half my eyebrow. i want to die   1 reply
15 01,2024
When I broke up with my boyfriend some years ago ╥﹏╥   reply
15 01,2024
⭐Salvation⭐ 15 01,2024
in between, i mean one time dad punched me so hard in the face, my nose started bleeding and mom said that" i wish i didnt have u"   1 reply
15 01,2024
15 01,2024
good in terms of financial support but shitty in everything else   reply
15 01,2024
15 01,2024
ahahahaaaaaa very shitty like its bad they are divorced but not officially cuz we need da money but for the past 4 years I've been sleeping in the master bedroom with my mum while my dad has taken over my bed (except when i go to Uni, then i sleep in my dorm ofc) my mum is a narcissist and has a victim complex my dad... is just so goddamn old he......   reply
15 01,2024
Jae 19 10,2023
Uh both? My mom unintentionally gave me trauma since she has always been mentally ill. However she didn't have any bad intensions and was trying her best. I still had to deal with a lot of stuff that a kid shouldn't even know about. She only realized how bad she had fucked up when I became an adult and my own symptoms got really out of control. My......   reply
19 10,2023
19 10,2023
Oh well a dad with two wives and he was about to marry third one but he couldn't for some reason ... and about 12 kids and he's only a teacher don't even have that much money in debt anyway I put the rest to your imagination and a mom with anger issue .... also snake step mom   2 reply
19 10,2023
19 10,2023
My mom is literally everything to me. My dad is okay, I guess. He used to be emotionally and verbally abusive towards me, my mom, and my siblings. After the divorce, I think he toned it down a bit. Sometimes, he looses his temper, but he doesn't do anything physical, he just yells. He's also a bit homophobic and misogynistic, but I usually tell him......   reply
19 10,2023
Yeah half my memory has practically been wiped but was all for my character development tho so im good   3 reply
19 10,2023
19 10,2023
i deadass wrote a paragraph essay n deleted it on what theyve done but this is the internet no ones gives a shit (one of the many that i wrote was that i wasnt allowed to pee without his permission, and he would say no sometimes and send me off to bed w a full bladder, i was 6.)   4 reply
19 10,2023

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