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For me, after I realized that I was actually pansexual, I pretty much immediately came out to my best friends, since I knew that they would be chill with it. Wasn't really planning on telling my parents at first, but after around a year of so, I couldn't really hold it in me to stay silent any longer. My dad came to pick me up, so we were just sitt......   2 reply
15 04,2020
I came out to my sister a few years ago since she herself is LGBTQ+ However, I came out to my friends a few months ago. I hadn't planned to do it, but watching Eric from Sex Education gave me confidence, and I announced that I was a non-binary, biromantic asexual on social media. Surprisingly, all of them were really supportive of me, and some even......   reply
15 04,2020
Haven’t told anyone in my personal life that I am asexual, and I’m not sure I plan on doing so, so I can’t really give tips. If I did though, I think my parents will probably worry about the fact that I won’t have anyone with me in my old age.   2 reply
15 04,2020
My friends and classmates are pretty chill about sexuality so it wasn't an issue coming out to them but to my mom and sis was a little different... I come out a year ago to my mom and sis and this is what happened It's been a long timw since we have a family bonding my mom, sis and me we were at the mall while my sis and I waited for my mom orderi......   reply
15 04,2020
I really had to problem with it.. u have 2 aunts tgat are gay and my mom's sisters.. so my mom told me she would live ne whenever I chose.. so one day me and my ex girlfriend showed up to my house and I was like this us my girlfriend and we are dating and she just looked at me and was like thats your business but she's pretty... haha anyways the co......   reply
17 01,2019
I came out to my family little bit more than a year ago. It's quite a funny and touching story xD I was really struggling about how to tell my mother that I'm gay. After talking with my boyfriend (now ex), he suggested that maybe if I can't say it, then maybe I should write a letter. So I wrote quite a long letter explaining how I feel and things ......   1 reply
17 01,2019
It took me 15 years to finally realize I was Demisexual and panromantic so I was scared to come out at first. But luckily I had my cousin who identified as a transgender FTM and helped me get over my fears slowly but surely. I told my girlfriend first and she said she would still love me no matter what and that gave me the courage to tell my dad wh......   1 reply
17 01,2019
Bi and LGBT studies researcher here! Well, this might be long. Until my second year of university I did not realize that I was bi. However, when I did, many MANY things made sense ( like, past relationships in which I was confused by how I felt towards some friends). My mother had always seemed to be an open-minded person about LGBT ( she had alwa......   1 reply
17 01,2019
Sometimes people that know you know more than they let on. I mean, when I mentioned the term to my mom she was like " well, that makes sense." I haven't mentioned it to my siblings but I'm sure they'd have the same reaction. Friends or coworkers wouldn't understand though. But I guess when asexuals are less than 1% of the world's population, what ......   1 reply
17 01,2019
Haven't come out yet. But I've casually given my parents some clues (like asking their opinion on LGBT and blah blah blah) I don't actually plan on coming out I just plan to bring a girlfriend home and introduce her as my lover, just like any straight person would.   1 reply
17 01,2019

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