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Need Advice [Experience]
Skye 12 10,2020
I hope somebody sees this because I definitely need some advice. This is my first time posting anything here so here goes. I just came out to my mom about me being pansexual and the conversation that followed made me feel like I was brought down. She basically said that I haven't experienced enough to make that decision. It just made me feel like s......   2 reply
12 10,2020
it’s a common question but i’m confused if i’m bi or straight. recently i’ve been feeling attracted to girls in a more serious way but i just tell myself i feel like that cause i want to look like them. but i could see myself dating a girl and having seggs with a girl. i mean i do read a lot of yuri so maybe that’s why?? idk i remember i got caught as a kid looking up “girl licking girls boobs” when i was 9 though i’m 15 now abut even if i am bi i cant come out because my parents are super homophobic and i’m scared that if i were to tell smn they’d out me
06 10,2020
How I came out [Experience]
Sofia 10 08,2020
I came out to my whole family in 2017 through a PowerPoint presentation. I wish I was kidding. But 15 year old me had no choice because my ex-girlfriend's mom found out about us and was about to tell my mom. I figured it was probably time for them to know because I've been keeping it secret for years. The presentation had two parts: 1. Things you k......   reply
10 08,2020
I'm sorry you're struggling with all of this, but it's something every queer person goes through. I was a pretty obviously LGTBQI+ from the start, it's one of the reasons I got more abuse than my siblings - my dad just knew. I didn't really come out to family cos it was a toxic situation. But I was always 'out' if that makes sense. From the time ......   reply
15 04,2020
Help [Answer]
15 04,2020
Age has nothing to do with it, you're clearly old enough to know you like someone and I think that means your plenty old enough to tell what you do and don't like. You don't have to stress about labels, that's something you can figure out with time or you may even find that you don't care for labels. If you like someone then you like someone, and t......   reply
15 04,2020
Help [Answer]
15 04,2020
on behalf of common sense, sexualities can't change it's the time of discovering your sexuality. i don't think you should worry too much about your sexuality or what others dictate you to be. imo just let it do its thing naturally. the older you get the more you start to understand yourself better from experiences you go through though...,.. i foun......   reply
15 04,2020
Help [Answer]
15 04,2020
One’s sexuality doesn’t pass with time. If u feel that u like that girl u should ask urself if u could like a guy too. I think this is the first step for establishing what your preferences really are. You may be gay,or you may be bisexual. I personally don’t think you should think too much,nor be ashamed or afraid of your own feelings. I unde......   reply
15 04,2020
Help [Question]
15 04,2020
I am not sure about my sexuality but I think I like girls cause I always fantasize about a girl in my class . but u know ppl say that its because. Of my age. And it will change when I become. 18 . plzzzz someone helppppp meeeee!!!
To all my gay and lesbian and also bisexual frnds out there
15 04,2020
I'm a lesbian and I came out to my sister first! She's always been really understanding but I was still terrified at the time. I was struggling a lot to find the right time to tell her, but I finally told her in a school parking lot and she was really supportive and we talked about it a lot. It really helps to explain who you are and maybe talk abo......   1 reply
15 04,2020
I am a lesbian and had my outcome a few years ago. my entire school knew it, my job, my parents, my sister, my friends and even my grandmother. and until today nobody has given a fuck and instead ask me again and again when I will bake a cake for the next birthday party ...   reply
15 04,2020

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