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I dont care about it Cause i never finished it   reply
12 04,2021
Although I dropped it and haven’t seen it for myself I don’t yet trust his “development” and I don’t forgive him but idk I guess I’ll try to pick it back up and see what this is all about   1 reply
12 04,2021
I was going to come out to my brother but then I found out he is on of "the boyzz" and is kinda transphobic and homophobic so anyway what do y'all think of Lord Seungho character development or painter of the knight in general
12 04,2021
amogus [Answer]
12 04,2021
when the impostor is sus   reply
12 04,2021
amogus [Answer]
mud 12 04,2021
Huh   reply
12 04,2021
amogus [Answer]
Your Worst Nightmare
11 04,2021
Search up lego piece 26047 and try not to cum guys   2 reply
11 04,2021
amogus [Answer]
06 04,2021
RED SUS AMONGUS?!?!!   reply
06 04,2021
amogus [Question]
06 04,2021
06 04,2021
Painter of the night [Experience]
06 03,2021
Why does this song remind me of Nakyum   reply
06 03,2021
first time being outed [Experience]
Soohwa 02 03,2021
Two days ago I was almost outed by my best friend to this other friend which I’m not close with. We were all in this group chat and I made a comment “who needs men anyways” and my bsf said JUST COME OUT ALREADY the other friend wasn’t in the chat but since it’s insta she probably saw in her notifications. I got scared and privately messag......   1 reply
02 03,2021

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