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I'm bi and I never really felt the need to make a big deal out of coming out. I've never been the type to commit to relationships and don't plan to be until I have a decent career instead of just a shit job and a cheap apartment. My family is pretty progressive and accepting anyways so they wouldn't mind but I don't really feel the need to divulge ......   reply
17 01,2019
Go for it if you're comfortable to do so, that's amazing! Just tell them. And, if you like to be extreme, you can always count on ~puns~ Jump out of your closet screaming like a dying duck; put rainbows and write "Im " on a mug and dramatically drink from it in front of them ("just chilling, sipping my cup of tea" with the applying-blush-face) ......   reply
17 01,2019
I'm planning on coming out to my cousin before this summer ends (she's the only understanding person in our family and I think she has a girlfriend) but I don't have the courage to do so. I'm super confused how I'll do it. And I would like to learn your stories about coming out or maybe some tips!!

((I think there was a thing like this but I haven't been in here for such a long time so idk I'm sorryy))
16 08,2018

Search thing


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