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What old webcomics that y'all remembered to be good ended up being trash upon a reread?
For me it's Caste heaven and Ten Count.
26 04,2024
26 04,2024
Every smut yaoi starts with a sex scene then "how did I end up in this situation "
26 04,2024
Like what do you tend to focus on, or always think about when you are debating with somebody? be it online or in person.
26 04,2024
What’s something you know a lot about that you like ranting excitedly about?

My cousin has banned me from bringing up roller coasters in conversation because once I start talking there’s no return.
17 07,2021
I have a hard time sleeping at night because I feel like I have a hard time breathing and whenever I close my eyes, my muscles become soo weak that it feels like I'll never wake up when I sleep. I've seeked a doctor's help, have a consultation and underwent lab tests which includes creatinine, fasting blood sugar, sodium and potassium test as per his advice, however, the results were normal. Before the said consultation, I was experiencing low body tempt at the range of 34.8-35°C and this has happened on succeeding days and I was really worried. I also have a hard time sleeping at night because of my muacle weakness and googled my symptoms and it says about the possibility of hypoglycemia which means I have low blood sugar. I don't exercise since I've been stucked in our house for a year now, enrolled in online class and mangago as my sole entertainment. There was a time wherein I was depressed and this condition of mine right now might get me back to such phase.

I would like to ask anyone if they have experienced the same thing and would like to ask how they get over it.

I might just be anxious but I really don't know what's causing such anxiety if it ever is the cause of my condition (aside from lack of exercise).

I decided to ask for help in here since I'm assuming alot of introverts are here and might have the same condition as me (which is rarely going out of the house and same health condition). Please help me.
15 07,2021
And i dont mean someone you see often.
26 05,2021
Thats it,thats the question.
24 05,2021