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Because mangago block sharing this for 2 years I want to see meme about it if possible lol ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
18 07,2023
Because mangago block sharing this for 2 years I want to see meme about it if possible lol ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
18 07,2023
go and read your gallery all memes and send me the funny one lol (if u can)
18 06,2021
you can share your favorite funny memes or yr favorite memes character or the character you want to make memes on it lol
17 06,2021
anything shrek. screenshots from any of the shrek movies. shrek memes. shrek in a bikini. shrek not in a bikini. shrek and barry b benson expressing their love for one another. shrek angst. literally anything you can find in the deep recesses of your camera rolls. hell, i'll take badly written shrek fics if thats all you have...

please i am starving, feed me. enable my addiction. shrek is love. shrek is life. and my life is dwindling for i am almost out of good shrek content. you dont understand, i need this. im begging you.

do it you cowards
26 05,2021
i need old memes/dead memes/expired memes.........pls gimme ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
25 05,2021
20 05,2021
Gimme (๑•ㅂ•)و✧


...please? My old phone died and took all my memes with it :')
20 05,2021
i require wholesome memes, hand em over!
18 05,2021
i'm talking memes that make the least amount of sense possible. things that would be fucking hilarious when you're exhausted or high, while the sober person next to you can't possibly fathom why it's so funny. elaborate inside jokes. obscure references. or just the funniest thing you can find.

i want CHAOS.
18 05,2021