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Yeah, just cut him off. Why even be friends with a homophobe?   reply
28 05,2021
oogachaca 28 05,2021
Idk since he’s your best bud maybe try talking to him about why the way being so close minded and not accepting others because of their sexualities is wrong, and maybe after he doesn’t budge then ditch him? Idk but good luck bruv   reply
28 05,2021
itsme_ 28 05,2021
If i were you, i would've cut him off without hesitation but i understand he's your best friend so its going to be hard. Maybe, ask him why he's homophobic and why does people being in love bothers him so much? This advice is shitty but i couldn't think of anything else, lmao.   2 reply
28 05,2021
28 05,2021
So my guy best friend basically told me he is homophobic. I am a female bisexual who reads a shit ton of bl, and gl occasionally so I got no idea what to do.

Should I cut them off? He is my best friend but I don’t want to be friends with a homophobe
28 05,2021
My gay ass [Experience]
26 05,2021
I feel like Olivia Hye has awaken something in me . . is it what so called homosexuality . . . ?   reply
26 05,2021
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افسر پلیس 14 05,2021
Bruh I feel u except it’s the opposite they question my sexuality but am actually straight. But low key I do feel pretty gay welp idk all I know is that just tell them ur attack helicopter sexual. Shit works   reply
14 05,2021
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14 05,2021
There' a she-wolf in the closet Let it out so it can breath SOS she's in disguise. SOS she's in disguise There's a she-wolf in disguise Coming out coming out coming out Ok, on the serious note, do what makes you comfortable and happy. If that means not revealing anything, that's fine. If they are your friends and they are nice, they'll underst......   reply
14 05,2021
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14 05,2021
this might not be the best answer...also idk what kind of a situation u in..BUT if they are your true friends... say that..don't do it..cause it makes you uncomfortable..   reply
14 05,2021
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Win 14 05,2021
tell them it's none of their business   reply
14 05,2021
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14 05,2021
I suggest being straight with them and telling them that you are not ready to discuss your sexuality but will tell them when (or if) the time comes.   2 reply
14 05,2021

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