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28 05,2021
"sorry my mom said i can't be friends with straight people, it goes against our religion ://" lmao especially if he himself knows you are bisexual and he told you that anyways, i'd have ghosted him. personally i don't have the psychological fortitude to endure people like that   reply
28 05,2021
Best friend mean you guys close right? If you talk to him he could listen to you, if he is not even listen he don't deserve to be your best friend   reply
28 05,2021
Gardevoir 28 05,2021
How homofobic is he? If he's really aggressive about him drop him for your safety. How important is the friendship? Make up for yourself if it's worth trying to convince him to change his views. In the end it is up to you. I do know some people who were homophobic when I met them and through the years (and some friends coming out) they became way m......   reply
28 05,2021
Rafja 28 05,2021
Just tell him what you think of gay love. Be honest. And if he cannot accept your opinion then you can still cut them off. If he doesn't want to be friend anymore after you said your piece then the matter resolves itself. Beside, I have no information of how much he is a homophobe. If he just dislikes them but keeps it to himself normaly then it ......   1 reply
28 05,2021
dylon 28 05,2021
everyone have their own taste on smth .. u cant force someone to like what u like.. as long he didn't harm u then just stay friend w him..   2 reply
28 05,2021
I watched no game no life when I was around 8 years old and fell in love with Shiro. Then I told everyone that she is my waifu and no one thought that it’s weird at that time. But when I started to grow I realized that not everyone is bi and yeah that’s it I guess. Yes, I thought everyone was bi when I was young. TT   reply
28 05,2021
Idk try to educate him and if that doesn't work drop him like a hot potato......   reply
28 05,2021
Didn't i already answer this but ig i'll say it again, you really should cut them off bc i am afraid it'll be a toxic friendship considering how homephobes are so that's why i hope you understand my advice but ofc you don't have to follow it, follow what you think is the best for you since it's you're life   1 reply
28 05,2021
silly misa 28 05,2021
cut him off, i know its hard but its not worth it.   reply
28 05,2021
WK Raphael
28 05,2021
Best friend and homophobic shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence. Unless it's "My best friend beat a homophobics ass," then sure otherwise no. Drop them and give them a middle finger up while your at it. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
28 05,2021

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