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I also just think of them as a regular couple. Love is love so...that said I wont really assume that someone is a couple and I'm not very observant or interested (in the real lives of strangers) so I don't pay much attention. That said; couples french kissing or heavy petting in public makes me really uncomfortable and I typically consider it rude ......   reply
20 01,2018
Question from pansexual who wants to get a clue to civil people (I hope)
We all love gay stories about gay (and gayx straight) but when it comes to a real human that kiss and do this and that In his private, how do you feel? I personally see it like a normal couple but when it comes to girl pair I become all red because I'm actually shy (/////) mostly because they try to keep it secret but anyone with a good eyesight can notice... that,and being their parents... because neither they are blind or they want to be ( ̄- ̄)
Back to the topic,what do you think? What do you think when you meet a real couple ,made of blood, meat, bone and love for the same gender? Is it Embarassing that you know more thing about gay world than them? ^^
20 01,2018

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