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Well if I seen a gay couple I'm not sure if it would be obvious like it might be 2 close friends but I'm in more of a small town and don't exactly go to places for couples. As for gay people in general they are fine I guess in my friend group there is a gay woman and a gay man. I actually thought that one of my friends was lesbian for 2yrs because ......   reply
20 01,2018
Well for me, I don't particularly care about them. I just don't mind other people's preferences and taste. I'm okay with guys like guys because it doesn't bother me much. Well, I have seen gay couples and I find them sweet. Love exist for all, regardless of the gender same with what we say that 'age doesn't matter'. About the matter that most of th......   1 reply
20 01,2018
I don't really care and I am not even paying attention to couples on the street or who is going out with whom in general. Of course that is just me. I have a friend that has some yaoi ships (2 or 3?) but is actually quite homophobic and can't stand gay couples when she sees them (in like real life or as real human beings). When she told me the firs......   2 reply
20 01,2018
I was raised by my brother who is gay, his lovers and his friends. I'm bisexual myself. Because of the environment I grew up in, I'm much more comfortable with my friends who are gay being affectionate with their partners than I am seeing a hetero couple engaged in PDA. I don't get embarrassed seeing a gay or lesbian couple together, but I do when ......   2 reply
20 01,2018
I'm a bisexual female and the first sexual desires I had came from women, when I was very young. As I grew up I also felt attracted towards men, and I never felt a difference between the genders. If I liked someone, that's all that mattered, because of that, I didn't even know such things as homophobia. I found out about them when I was much older,......   reply
20 01,2018
I was friends with a lesbian couple in high school. I treated them like you'd treat any couple. I have friends in college now who are openly gay. I treat them like you'd treat any human. I'm honestly fine with anyone being gay or part of LGBT+. As long as both sides treat each other with kindess, I don't see a problem. As for the last question, i......   1 reply
20 01,2018
To me a couple is a couple no matter the gender. I’ve never felt shy near a same sex couple, it actually always makes me feel happy because we live in a time where they can fully exhibit their love without worries just like every other couple (at least where I am). My coworker is gay and we always talk explicitly about his relationships so no not......   reply
20 01,2018
I don't mind at all. I used to be homophobic bc I live in a religious house hold but as I grew older I came to learn that people can love who they want to love and its a free country.   1 reply
20 01,2018
For me, I don't mind people's preference of partner and who they choose to love. But honestly, when it comes to couples in public, gay or straight, all couples make me feel awkward and uncomfortable when they kiss or get too touchy with each other. Like, if it's a lot public display of affection, that's when I start feeling awkward and uncomfortabl......   2 reply
20 01,2018
Well, I'm a gay boi who loves seeing same gender couples. When I was younger I got embarrassed bc I was in the closet and really wanted to date another guy but thats bc I thought I would get caught staring lovingly at openly gay people. I love anyone who loves anyone, no matter straight, gay, lesbian, or any other orientation. I also read a lot of ......   reply
20 01,2018

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