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News On Rapists And Pedos

ok first & foremost, yeah no duh being an adult trying to or wanting to have sex with a child or minor is bad hands down i agree 100%. but your logic is full of flaws too? if you don't agree with this dude then just Don't talk to them, but children develop sexual urges and curiosities before they're even 10 years of age. to say you want to "protec......   3 reply
04 07,2021
I can see where they tried to make a point but their reasoning is flawed and reversible, therefore making their claim unreasonable. In my perspective, their main point of his whole argument is about whether the kid was willing to "consent and secrecy." I'm not so sure about you guys, but whenever I (in the past) was trusted with a secret, I would......   1 reply
04 07,2021
I could only read a psychology article on it but this was hard. I couldn't even read the whole thing because it was so upsetting but props to you for handling it well. And even reminding them to actually consider it. People need to realise that when you're horny you just think with your genitals, so learning to inhibit your thoughts should be the ......   1 reply
04 07,2021
I literally really had lost hope on some people's mentality like I just can't understand what makes them think like that and especially pedos like him like JUST WHYYY I get that in medieval times married girls are just teens but bruhh that's why things had change coz it's just doesnt make sense   reply
04 07,2021
Yeah no I want to feel bad since pedophilia is a mental disorder but that fact the he admitted he’ll commit sexual acts with CHILDREN is disturbing. It doesn’t matter if the kid consents or not cause let’s be honest kids do not know what they want and are not mature enough to even say they they would want that unless they were groomed into th......   reply
04 07,2021
As a victim, they can fuck right off, they have a bunch of excuses like “kids can consent” “you can still be sexual and innocent” NO YOU CAN FUCKING NOT. A KID DOESNT UNDERSTAND WHATS SEXUAL BECAUSE THEYRE FUCKING KIDS. I myself couldn’t understand what happened for almost 10 years because at the time it happened I was 4, I didn’t under......   reply
04 07,2021
You know I got exposed to sex and porn really fucking early on. Like when I was 4(no crimes were committed don’t worry just a bad turn on the internet) and I can say with confidence even though I understood it, I really didn’t fucking understand it until I grew up and understood the implications that go with it. Looking back I can say with cert......   1 reply
04 07,2021
What in the actual fck did i just read   reply
04 07,2021
Say they’re fucking disgusting and leave It at that, don’t waste your time. They won't change their mind, trust me. I had my fair share of fighting and insulting pedos, on mangago too. They’re everywhere. I would compare them to cockroaches   reply
04 07,2021
I hope someone finds out and drags them to a therapist. As long as they haven't acted on those urges, they can still be helped.   reply
04 07,2021

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