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ma'am-   reply
26 07,2020
Um hunny Imma need to ask you to take a deep breath. Cheating in general is just wrong. But the fact you go as far to say it's fine if your man cheats on you with another rather than your man cheating on you for another girl. Stoppppp fetishizing gay ppl hun. It's not right. This is reality. They're just like any other human. Treat them the same as......   reply
26 07,2020
The only reason I love these trolls going around lately is because the replies always have me creasing   1 reply
26 07,2020
I'm not trying to be rude but... what the fuck are you- this is fetishizing gay men dude what the fuck. I think you need to stop reading fucking yaoi and kinda step back and calm down??? sis- bro- folk- cheating is the shittoest thing ever. if you're fine with it then it's either you didn't love them that much or just REALLY fetishize gays. like ar......   2 reply
26 07,2020
yo i swear to god- Are you the guy that was asking if its better to be gay or something? I remember there were two similar questions being worded wierdly like this.   reply
26 07,2020
Cheating is cheating it dont matter what the gender is   reply
26 07,2020
literally who writes these dumbass questions. you bold to think ppl will take you seriously. godamn. get a hobby. you need to get off this damn site and get some help.   reply
26 07,2020
???? You need to lay off the yaoi. Why would you fetish gay people to the point where you think that has an ounce of acceptability? Cheating is cheating, and it should NOT be justified by some bullshit like that. Y'all fujoshi hoes are wilding.   1 reply
26 07,2020
Are you saying you'd be understanding if a guy cheats on you because he's closeted gay and will let him go with no hard feelings, or are you saying you're fine with a guy cheating as long as it is with another man? Either way, people see and deal with cheating differently. For me, his ass had better end the relationship if he even thinks about che......   1 reply
26 07,2020
I don't think you've really thought this through. You haven't worded your question well either. This reads like 'head empty, no heart, oh neat you're closet gay', or alternatively you sound like an oblivious cuck. It's one thing to break off a relationship clean because of the other being a closet gay with a CLEAR explanation and apology, but to ......   reply
25 07,2020

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