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rayha 03 06,2021
-i agree with you, problematic characters can add a lot to a story but i wouldnt go near them irl. -id say haikyuu is better than aot. -coffee sucks unless it has a lot of sugar and milk -istg some manga's/manhwa's have such bad art and people get mad when you criticize it like stfu im not even being rude about it. -ok ive this is an edit as ive ju......   3 reply
03 06,2021
Phobia-house [Experience]
xiaxia 03 06,2021
ugh.. I have more than one or two phobias. sometimes I feel that I should be admitted in mental hospital. my life's a mess. ╥﹏╥ vermiphobia- I don't have fear of cockroach, flies or spiders. I don't even fear snakes. but I see a worm or anything crawling like that.. I'm out of the room until someone ensures the room is safe. trypophobia- I......   1 reply
03 06,2021
Unpopular opinions [Question]
03 06,2021
Say something people might disagree or agree with you can argue lmao here's mine:

Liking a problematic Character does not equate to Liking a toxic person in real life.
03 06,2021
Trypophobia [Experience]
I_need_a_Life 03 06,2021
It's so bad to the point that I can't even look at mini foam-like bubbles at the top of my drink.It didn't use to be this bad. Honey combs are too scary to look at. I can't even look at strawberries.The tiny strawberry seeds sticking out triggers my trypophobia. I feel so weak rn, I used to eat strawberries every single day_| ̄|○I evovled, jus......   reply
03 06,2021
I have a phobia [Experience]
03 06,2021
Entomophobia (fear of insects)   reply
03 06,2021
Trypanophobia [Experience]
Colorful clouds
03 06,2021
Hi! I have a phobia of needles, injections. since i was 11 I would have panic attacks. Now I've gotten a little better (im 22) but it drains me mentally trying not to scream for my life lol just the thought of blood transfusion makes me sick   reply
03 06,2021
Phobia of lizards [Experience]
03 06,2021
So recently my general fear of lizards have turned into a phobia so much so that even typing that word gives me goosebumps. Unfortunately for me i live in a place with tropical climate and since its the season of little lizard babies they are all over our house. I luckily haven't seen one yet but my mum just told me that she saw 2 babies around my ......   reply
03 06,2021
Spiders and lightning [Experience]
Ladyevernight 03 06,2021
Not those little thin ass spiders, what i meant is big spiders like hand-size ones. Lightning just spook me out everytime. I'll flinch a LOT but not to the point i'll scream (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜   2 reply
03 06,2021
uhhh trypophobia? [Experience]
twothumbsfighting 03 06,2021
(am i right spelling "trypophobia" lol) I have trypophobia, i feel afraid and disgust of seeing tiny holes, like, you know, 'trypophobia on skin' or lotus seed. I even cant stand strawberries lmao   reply
03 06,2021
I have Astraphobia. An intense fear of thunder and lightning. So everytime thunderstorms happen suddenly I become Haruhi from Ouran Highschool Host Club. Shit. I would start shaking, become terribly anxious that I feel like I want to throw up and started crying. I hate it so much.   reply
03 06,2021

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