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Share Your Bullying Story

I never seen the world the way others did. I always were in love with books, and understood stuff easily, so ppl picked on me, when I took the smallest shit just as hurtfull as the smallest. Bc of them, now I kinda have suicidal thoughts, and even tho I'm not sad or something I still do think that jumping off of a building must be very freeing (�......   1 reply
16 09,2020
I was bullied twice behind my back the first thing was pretty serious but the girl didn’t get in a lot of trouble it was 5th grade and the one of my “friends” said she would rather kill me then my other friend. The second time was in 6th grade when a couple of those gossip bully girls yanked my hair in social studies and to be honest those gu......   2 reply
25 07,2020
Sum Wan Eus 18 07,2020
Maybe it can help those being bullied.   reply
18 07,2020
I am the bully [Experience]
i cant change my photo 23 06,2020
I have been bullied ..physically but it stopped when i punched them on the stomahc and did a choke hold when i was in 3rd grade (good ol memories). Since then i'd beat up every bully who bullies someone weaker than them |T R U E Story| So this is why watching wrestling can be good for young ones   reply
23 06,2020
In school I used to be pretty lonely, my classmates tried to isolate me as much as possible, did things like not telling me where class was going to be, leaving me alone on school trips and during lunch. I've always been socially awkward, but I also tried to have friends for a while, because I don't like to be alone. The thing is that it was the wh......   1 reply
01 05,2020
15 03,2020
I've been through some heavy bullying but it never got physical or as dramatic as in the movies, my experience could be somewhat compared to the movie mean girls if that makes any sense... Have you experienced bullying like in the anime/manga or real life movies?
15 03,2020

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