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The End / Back to Shoujo C


Other manga by the same author(s)


People are sharing things

confessions ?
Errrrm I get turn on when me and my bf doin spicy stuff but I don't get climax. However wh...
Second hand embarrassment from media
The skip button exists for a reason, and that reason is to prevent me from jumping into th...
What’s something that automatically makes you hate someone
when they dislike boothill from honkai star rail
Second hand embarrassment from media
I've learnt to just...SUCK IT UP.
Second hand embarrassment from media
Look, the best solution in these situations is to pause reading a bit, go have a walk, the...

People are doing

did what do you regret

Having friends

3 hours
did be a dumb bitch


8 hours
did virginity

I haven't lost my virginity because I never lose

8 hours

These lists have this manga