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what are the pettiest reasons you have dropped a comic?
when i hav 2 decode the translation
what are the pettiest reasons you have dropped a comic?
When the mc suddenly becomes hottest person alive and the WHOOOLE story revolves around it...
Favorite manhuas?
"Long-awaited Feelings" is my latest manhua obsession. I love their dynamic - shy albeit ...
what are the pettiest reasons you have dropped a comic?
when a bl mc who's a bottom gets treated like a weak dainty girl who can't (and isn't expe...

People are doing

did have fake friends

Better alone than with fake or toxic "friends"

1 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

"Kahit planuhin mong mabuti, papalpak ka rin naman" (Even if you plan it thoroughly, you'll still fail). Painful af lyrics.

19 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

please please please - sabrina carpenter
"heartbreak is one thing, my ego's another"

20 hours

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