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To be continue... / Back to Ring


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People are sharing things

Do you want to get married and have babies?
YES. I need a loving wife and 2 kids (at most) I really do see myself in the future with a...
Do you want to get married and have babies?
Of course I want to get married, but I don’t want to have children. I don’t understand...
Do you want to get married and have babies?
Love when everyone doesn't want to get married, me neither, let's not guys!!!! Let the hum...
Do you want to get married and have babies?
My family and friends expected me to be married at a young age because they did.. but I ca...
Do you want to get married and have babies?
i am a female, early 20s, i used to really not like children - i felt they were loud, obno...

People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

it was a forbidden situationship typa love

8 hours
want to do being in a wlw relationship

i like women, but women do not like me

9 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

x2. Neither of them was actually attracted to me as it turned out, they both saw me as a friend and loved someone else while being with me.

14 hours

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