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People are sharing things

Your deepest secret that you keep yourself.
NSFW incest warning + relationship rant lol when I was about 5, I had sex with my cousin (...
Your deepest secret that you keep yourself.
I used to have sexual fantasies about my asexual straight housemate? it was also kind of a...
One BL/GL you refuse to read?
I will not, never, in my entire life, read Pearl boy and don't get me wrong I started it, ...
One BL/GL you refuse to read?
Since it's just one story, Waterside Night. I get the gist of it; I don't like that gist. ...
Send dicc pics
..............I'll leave the BIG ones to the rest of yall

People are doing

did nicknames

i always thought nicknames nd petnames were weird until I met my gf, she calls me love, baby, and sweetie all the time and I love it so much

9 minutes
did lose a friend

gave up on having online friends, best decision ever. no more toxicity and worry about meeting their demands

1 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

My pussy is on fire and your dick is the extinguisher

5 hours

These lists have this manga