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To be continue... / Back to Danshaku No Aijin


Other manga by the same author(s)


People are sharing things

Second hand embarrassment from media
Manhwa situations where they DONT lock the doors. Like for fucks sake they make me throw m...
Can I trauma dump so y'all can determine if I have shitty parents or not? So my mom would...
Second hand embarrassment from media
Yes. The BLs' where mc/ml gets caught masturbating. Immediate drop for me. And if this tro...
Second hand embarrassment from media
dare i say bj alex... dropped im sorry i cant handle it
For anybody that’s too lazy to go to google translate dw I got you I do not like schoo...

People are doing

did what do you regret

Having friends

4 hours
did be a dumb bitch


10 hours
did virginity

I haven't lost my virginity because I never lose

10 hours

These lists have this manga