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Viper in the Vale

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Mellize , Kuruint 2019 released.
Drama / Psychological / Romance / Tragedy / Webtoons
Cider; VIV
Ch.1 : Promotional Oneshot
178 voted


Cider, a mere Level designer assistant for the best-selling otome game Thorny Roses, was vexed to find that the development team altered the role and characterization of her character, Cynthia Darlene Aletheia, into a villainess. Disappointed about the injustice Cynthia must have felt all throughout the game, Cider wished for another chance to change her character's fate. Unexpectedly, Cider becomes the villainess herself and sought revenge on the people who were responsible for “her” downfall.

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People are sharing things

Yapping sessions anyone?
I killed several birds when I was 5 and eat it raw... No one cares, I tortured a chick and...
Ik some people want the baby to survive but for me, I'd rather my husband picks me. Like, ...
Yapping sessions anyone?
Being a shut in is so contradictory, because I complained like hell that schools make us s...
I will die with the child
If my partner is choosing the baby I would kill myself even if Id survive

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

I bet on losing dogssss

36 minutes
did song lyrics stuck in head

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You make me lose my temper

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did song lyrics stuck in head

Ruthlessness is Mercy Upon Ourselves

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